
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be written in simple, concise and grammatical English (Either UK or US spellings but not a mixture), within the size limits specified for each type of article, prepared according to the guidelines below. The manuscripts should be written for a worldwide readership including many in non-English speaking countries. Authors whose first language is not English must have their manuscripts proofread by other colleagues.

Please follow these guidelines when preparing your manuscripts or you may download template from here:

  • Use Times New Roman font size 12 or equivalent and double-space throughout .
  • Provide unjustified text and inactivate auto-hyphenation.
  • DO NOT embed figures, tables or any other non-textual features or footnotes in the main text body. Figures and table may be added at the end of the manuscript text.
  • Greek and other special characters may be used but these should be inserted in the text (e.g., using the ‘Insert >> Symbol’ menu in Microsoft Word) and not by changing English characters into ‘Symbol’ font which may be lost during subsequent file processing. DO NOT USE 'SYMBOL' FONT. However, if you are unable to reproduce a particular special character, please type out the name in full.

The manuscripts should be prepared and submitted using any of the following file formats:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc)(any recent version)
  • PDF (.pdf)
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)

Users of other word processing packages should save or convert their files to Rich Text Format before submitting.  There is no limit for the number of pages for articles, but the following guidelines are recommended.

* Includes supplementary data

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be organized into the following sections:


  • Title Page
  • Abstract and Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Main text, divided into subheadings
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • Statement of Competing Interests
  • List of Abbreviations
  • References
  • Figure Legends
  • Tables

Research Articles (full and short):

  • Title page
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Design
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • Statement of Competing Interests
  • List of abbreviations used
  • References
  • Figure Legends
  • Tables
  • Description of additional data files

New Methods/Technologies Articles should also be arranged as above. However, considerably greater detail of the experimental procedures should be provided than would normally be given for a research article.

Sections of Manuscript

Title Page: The title page should provide (i) manuscript title, (ii) full names of all authors, (iii) institutional addresses of all authors, (iv) name, address, telephone, fax and email of the corresponding author and (v) running title of no more than 50 characters, excluding spaces.

Abstract and Keywords: The abstract should be comprehensive but concise consisting of no more than 400 words and should be structured to give a brief introduction to the study, main findings of the study, conclusions drawn from the study and their significance. Do not include references, headings and non-standard abbreviation. Also provide 5-7 carefully chosen keywords.

Introduction: Here authors should make a case for the study, providing a brief literature survey (avoid citing literature older than five years) and background to the study, the hypothesis and the significance of the presented research.

Experimental Design: Experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail to allow these to be replicated by other researchers. The source of data used in the study should be given, where possible.

Results: Results should be presented in a logical fashion avoiding repetition of the data and excluding material suitable for Discussion, unless the two sections have been combined. Results suitable for presentation in the form of a table or a figure should not be included in the main text.

Discussion: This section should present comprehensive analysis of the results in the light of any previous research and the broader body of knowledge. Discussion may also be combined with results.

Conclusions: Here provide main conclusions of the study.

Acknowledgements: The authors should first acknowledge the source of funding for the research presented in their article followed by any personal credits.

Statement of Competing Interests: Include an explicit disclosure of any competing interests (financial or others) that may have influenced the study or the conclusions drawn from the study, if any.

List of Abbreviations: Define all non-standard abbreviations in parenthesis on their first appearance in the text as well as provide a list. Standard abbreviations need not to be included in the list.

References: Authors must ensure that all references are cited accurately and those in the main text body are also included in the list of references and vice versa. References older than five years should only be cited if absolutely necessary.

Personal communications should be cited as sparingly as possible and where used should be accompanied by written authorisation from the provider of the information. Furthermore, citation of web resources/websites is strongly discouraged. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted for publication, but not yet accepted, should only be included in the main text as 'in preparation' or 'submitted'.

In the main text, cite references in chronological order. Separate two or more citations by a semicolon and append a lowercase letter to the year to distinguish between two or more citations from the same authorship, in the order in which they appear in the list of references. Cite the references using the following format:-

  • Two authors: (Salim and Godfrey, 2004)
  • More than two authors: (Salim et al, 2004)
  • Articles in press: (Salim and Hassan, in press)
  • Personal communication or unpublished data: (Salim and Willett, personal communication or unpublished data)
  • In preparation or submitted manuscript: (Salim and Willett, in preparation or submitted)

In the list, the references should be given in an alphabetical order in the following format:

:Journal Articles:

  • Two authors: Abdo A and Salim N. 2009.  Similarity-Based Virtual Screening with Bayesian Inference Network. ChemMedChem, 4(2), 210-218.
  • Three authors: Suanmali L, Salim N and BinWahlan MS. 2010.  Swarm Diversity Based Text Summarization. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(3), 166-173.
  • More than six authors: Salim N, Abdo A, Willett P et al. 2010. Similarity-Based Virtual Screening Using Belief Network.  Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 52(4), 221-230.

:Journal Supplement:

  • Abdo A and Salim N. 2009. Similarity-based virtual screening using Bayesian inference network. Chemistry Central Journal, 3 (Suppl. 1), 44-50.

:Book Chapters:

  • Holliday JD, Salim N and Willett P. 2005.  On The Magnitudes of Coefficient Values in The Calculation of Chemical Similarity and Dissimilarity.  In: Lavine, B.K. (Ed.) Chemometrics and Chemoinformatics. Publisher, City, Country, pp 77-98.


  • Salim N. 2010. Research Methods in Computing, Publisher, City, Country, Edition.

:Articles in Press:

  • Bin Wahlan MS,  Suanmali L and Salim N. 2010. Fuzzy Swarm Diversity Hybrid Model for Text Summarization. Information Processing & Management, in press.

:PhD thesis:

  • Salim N . 2003. Analysis and Comparison of Molecular Similarity Measures. PhD thesis. University of Sheffield, Information Studies Department.

Figures Legends: Figure legends should be comprehensive but concise and should not duplicate information given in the main text, and should be included in the main text file after References.

Figures/Line Drawings: These must be prepared electronically in actual publication size. Single column figures (ca. 8 cm wide) are most preferable unless such dimensions seriously impair quality and make data difficult to follow. Images should be optimised and must not exceed 10MB in size. At the initial manuscript submission stage, combine all figures into a single file (e.g., a Word, PowerPoint or a .pdf file)

For labelling figures, use Verdana or Arial font size 8 or larger. Label parts of figures with capital letters (Verdana or Arial font size 10,bold). High-quality figures (300dpi or higher) will be required at the publication stage in one of the following formats:

  • EPS
  • PDF
  • TIFF
  • JPEG
  • BMP
  • CDX (ChemDraw)
  • TGF (ISIS/Draw)

Colour figures are encouraged for online publication, however, the costs incurred to print hardcopy reprints of coloured pages will be borne by the authors, and unless critical for understanding of the data may not be reproduced as colour in hardcopies of the Journal (if any).

A charge will be made to authors if figures or line drawings are of insufficient quality and standard and have to be re-drawn by the Publisher. Authors are notified of this at the time of manuscript revision.

Tables: Large tables are discouraged unless they are vital for proper tabulation and understanding of data. However, tables must not be larger than a single page. Tables should complement, but not repeat, information given in the main text. Each table should be given on a separate page with a comprehensive but concise legend on the top. Give appropriate units for each column, where possible, and define any abbreviations in footnotes.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Copyright Permissions

Authors submitting articles to the Journal are responsible for obtaining permissions for reproduction of any previously published figures, tables, any other objects or textual materials included in the manuscript from the original copyright owners. They should submit any copyright or other permission at the time of article submission. Failure to do so could lead to a delay in publication of accepted articles. The Publisher or the Journal will not be liable for infringement of anyone’s copyright or other rights by the authors. A willful neglect of copyright by the authors may lead to retraction of their article.


Copyright Ownership of Published Articles

Authors retain copyright of their published articles. However, they will be required to grant an unrestricted worldwide licence allowing anyone to copy, print and distribute their work in a lawful manner, for non-commercial purposes only, except that the users fully and appropriately acknowledge the original source of publication as the International Journal of Innovative Computing and the authorship of the work with correct citation details. In addition, the authors will also be required to grant an unrestricted, exclusive, royalty-free licence to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and its any successors to store, print, copy and distribute their article(s) in any form – printed, electronic or any other media invented hereafter, for the entire period of the copyright and its any extensions. Authors will also be required to give an exclusive, royalty-free licence to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and its any successors to transfer any permissions to a third party to store, print, copy and distribute their article(s) in any form – printed, electronic or any other media invented hereafter, for the entire period of the copyright and its any extensions.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


ISSN: 2180-4370