A novel approach for grid resource management based on fuzzy logic and semantic Technology

saeed javanmardi, Mohammad Mosleh, Shahdad Shariatmadari, Seyyed Ebrahim Dashti Rahmat Abadi


one of the important challenges in grid is quality of

service (QoS) for all the accepted users or applications, while

increasing the utilization of resources through resource sharing.

An effective resource management approach must guarantee the

QoS and balance the load among grid nodes which are frequently

highly dynamic and heterogeneous. Grid resources are

commonly varied regarding their software and hardware

formations. Collecting and supervision of these resources, and

discovering appropriate resources is an important topic. So

semantic can be very useful for resource discovery and resource

selection. Fuzzy theory is another intelligent approach which

shows uncertainty in Phenomena. In this paper, a novel

approach, which is using semantic and fuzzy theory, is proposed

to discover grid resource in Grid environment. Search

expressiveness, efficiency and scalability, precision and also

discover more related resources are the characteristics of the

proposed framework.

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